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Cassie Q

The Red Story: Deepest Desire

The Red Story is the tale of how my heart died, as well as the unintentional participation of a woman named Audrey in it. We started with the last posted piece, 'Winter', about how my offering was rejected and I lost all the sunlight. I suppose I have started by the climax. Today, I share my reaction to that event, which was wishing for a different outcome.

The outcome I wished for was one where we could have offered our hearts to one another. I wished for the chance to rip my heart open and expose what runs under my skin, red and warm. To twist the dagger together no matter how much it hurt, because we know that the most dangerous things are the most worthy, and so we seal a blood pact that bounds us to everything that is real and raw. I drew this piece because sometimes fantasizing is the only way to satisfy a desire.

Disclaimer: the visual concept was a collaboration with John Cuyugan.

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