On A Far Away Galaxy...
I drew this back in August, right at one of the lowest points of my life (so hard to choose the lowest!), and I was so deeply depressed...
Pretty Is Always The Default
This is a comic I did to illustrate the creation of what I think is the drawing tool that better expresses my relationship with my body....
"If You Don't Think You Shouldn't Talk!"
I'd like to introduce you all to Cassie's sister, the lovely Alice. Alice was of course inspired on my own sister (I'm really not...
I would like to feel desirable, feel good about myself. To know what bliss is. I want my colors to be seen and loved for what they are so...
Popularity And Such
When I started drawing 4 months ago, I wasn't trying to make anything good, and it didn't ever cross my mind to put it on the internet....
Bubbles, Part 1
This is the first comic I ever drew trying to represent my disability. I had the comic in my head and was trying to figure out how to...