Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
So the thing about being a disabled child is that your parents probably aren't disabled. They read all those books – real books or...

The Giving Tree Is A Mother
For a long time in my life I felt deeply troubled by the burden put on my mother when she unknowingly gave birth to a child who, by...

Maybe If We Don't Look At It, It Won't Exist?
It is my belief that a supportive family is the greatest privilege someone can have. While mine never lacked in love, my folks have...

No Complaining
The thing about disabilities is that you often need a little hand to get things done, and depending on how much help you need and how...

The Complicated Life Of A Bug
Everyone has their little web of aggravators, things that stops them from moving forward and forces a detour. Sometimes with...

Mouthless Child
For 21 years of my life, I didn't have a caretaker. I am completely dependent on another, and for 21 years that another was my mom....

"If You Don't Think You Shouldn't Talk!"
I'd like to introduce you all to Cassie's sister, the lovely Alice. Alice was of course inspired on my own sister (I'm really not...

Onde Minha Brasilidade Se Perdeu (or Why Cassie Was Born American)
For those of you who don't know me, I was born and raised Brazilian, and have never lived anywhere else. So for some of the people who...